
Morgan Freeman Wants To See Catwoman In BATMAN 3

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While Christopher Nolan is busy with his thriller “Inception” (due out summer of 2010), news on “Batman 3” has been quiet, but that doesn’t stop Morgan Freeman from being excited about the upcoming sequel.  Freeman played Bruce Wayne’s confidante, Lucius Fox in both Nolan’s “Batman” films (“Batman Begins” and “The Dark Knight”).  Here’s an interview with Freeman and MTV News where he talks about his intuitive feelings about Batman 3 and which villain he hopes to see in the next film:

Morgan Freeman’s creative gut tells him that Christopher Nolan is definitely working on the next Batman:

“I know—I just know—that Chris is working on number three.  He couldn’t possibly not be.”

Freeman is also pretty confident that he and Michael Caine, who plays Alfred, will return for the next film:

“What I don’t know is how that story is going to play out—where it’s going to be and who’s going to be in it.  There’s a good chance he would incorporate Lucius Fox and Alfred.”

When asked about possible villains for Bats, Freeman has his pick of favorites:

“I want to see Catwoman. I have [a casting] idea, but it’s just an idea and I’m going to keep it to myself.”

[Source] MTV

Jason Moore
Written by Jason Moore

is a member of the Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Films and the Founder/Editor In Chief of SciFi Mafia®