
More Details Revealed About THE RIVER on the New Interactive Website

SciFi Mafia told you last week about ABC‘s upcoming series The River, which begins one week from tonight. Now you can learn even more about it on the show’s excellent new two-part website. The first part is interactive, and does a great job of conveying how very creepy the show is – because yes, it IS a creepy show – by taking you on to the boat The Magus, and giving you hot spots to click on for clips from the premiere.

When you first enter the site, you are given the opportunity to connect with Facebook, and we recommend this, because of a fun little thing the site does, but no worries if you don’t want to. The next step is to explore the boat and surroundings a bit, and click on those hot spots.

You begin on the upper deck of The Magus. Please be warned, though – one of the locations (I won’t even tell you the name of it, but it’s the area marked with a left arrow from the upper deck) and several of the clips (especially those in that left-arrow area) include some of the best clips of the first two hours. Try your best to save especially that area until AFTER you see the premiere. Just a suggestion.

You’ll also be able to go below deck and see some of the other areas of the boat. The whole time, you’ll get to hear the creepy soundtrack. After exploring the boat (or at any time) you can click onto the link at the bottom left of the screen, “LEARN MORE ABOUT THE RIVER” to be taken to the, oh, let’s call it the more “normal” type of show website.

This has less atmosphere than the interactive boat section, but it is rich in content that you won’t get in the premiere, maybe not ever, any place else. It’s really well done, and is the part that I especially recommend. The “interviews” (written, not video) are totally outside of the show but are wonderful enhancements to our understanding of the characters. There are also videos and photos, many of which have been posted here on SciFi Mafia, but they’re fun to check out.

Ready? Here’s the link: http://www.exploretheriver.com/  If you want to skip the interactive part and go straight to the main, less spoilery section, it’s here. Let us know what you think!

The River, starring Bruce Greenwood, Leslie Hope, and Eloise Mumford, premieres next Tuesday, February 7, at 9/8c on ABC.


Erin Willard
Written by Erin Willard

Erin is the Editor In Chief and West Coast Correspondent for SciFiMafia.com