
Michael Bay Makes Casting Announcement on Not-A-Reboot TRANSFORMERS 4

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We haven’t given you any updates on the Transformers 4 movie in over six months, although honestly there hasn’t been much. Allow us to make amends by serving you up some hot-off-the-presses casting news and more from the director himself, Michael Bay.

As we reported all those months ago, the next Transformers movie will feature a new cast and some changes to the metalheads themselves. Since that time, Bay has confirmed that Mark Wahlberg will be starring in the movie. And here’s what he reported to the world today on his website:

Jack Reynor

I just hired a great new actor for Transformers 4 to star against Mark Wahlberg. Jack Reynor, he is an Irish kid that came to America with 30 bucks in his pocket. Pretty ballsy. Seriously who does that? Anyway I spotted him in a great little Irish movie WHAT RICHARD DID. This kid is the real deal.

Transformers 4, is not a reboot. That word has been floating around on the net.

This movie takes place exactly 4 years after the war in Chicago. The story makes a very natural transition, and reason as to why we have a whole new cast. This Transformers will feel very different then the last three. We are embarking on a new trilogy.


Jack Reynor‘s bio is also on Bay’s website, and relates in part that Reynor has a flawless American accent. Sorry kids, once again they are withholding charming accents from us.

In other T4 news, Bay reported last month that the rumor of a 120-page leaked script for Transformers 4 is a total fabrication. “The only two people in the world that have our unfinished script are [screenwriter Ehren] Kruger and myself. Also we are only up to page 70 in our T4 script.” But the really interesting bit is this:

P.S. I bet it is something from Hasbro. This time they are not doing a comic book of the movie because we want to keep our story under wraps. It must be their version of a comic themed Transformers story they are creating.

Okay, noted! We’ll keep you posted.

The as yet Untitled Transformers Sequel (Transformers 4), starring Mark Wahlberg and Jack Reynor, is slated to hit theaters on June 27, 2014.

Erin Willard
Written by Erin Willard

Erin is the Editor In Chief and West Coast Correspondent for SciFiMafia.com