
Lost Castaway to Land on FALLING SKIES

It’s been great seeing Lost‘s John Locke/The Man in Black relatively happy and healthy on Hawaii Five-O this past season. We now have even better news, as Terry O’Quinn is reported to be returning to sci-fi this summer, on TNT‘s Falling Skies.

EW broke the news that he’ll be appearing in the last two episodes of the upcoming season 2 of the post-alien-invasion show, playing the mentor of former history professor and current invasion resistance militia second-in-command Tom Mason, played by Noah Wyle. Terry O’Quinn was a powerhouse on Lost, and though it’s great seeing him on The Island again in Hawaii Five-O, we’re really looking forward to seeing him in something a little… creepier.

Here’s a new TV spot just to get you in the mood for season 2:


We’ll keep you posted!

Falling Skies, starring Noah Wyle, Moon Bloodgood, and Will Patton, will return later this year for season 2 on TNT.

Erin Willard
Written by Erin Willard

Erin is the Editor In Chief and West Coast Correspondent for SciFiMafia.com