
Joel Silver Wants Logan’s Run Remake To Be Shot In 3D

Just last month, we told you that commercial director Carl Rinsch (The Gift) had reportedly signed on to direct Warner Bros. Pictures long awaited remake of the sci-fi classic, Logan’s Run. Now, Producer Joel Silver (The Matrix) wants to make the re-boot of Logan’s Run in 3D.

Silver said,

“I’d like to make Logan’s Run [in 3-D], It’s a movie I’ve always been intrigued with, excited by. We’re writing a script now and that should be a big 3-D movie and it should be devised and shot in 3-D. I think if we can pull it together, then it would be.”

Logan’s Run is slated to hit theaters in 2012.

Jason Moore
Written by Jason Moore

is a member of the Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Films and the Founder/Editor In Chief of SciFi Mafia®