
Jennifer Lawrence Talks About Playing Mystique In X-Men: First Class

Jennifer Lawrence (Winter’s Bone), who is playing Raven Darkholme / Mystique in Matthew Vaughn‘s upcoming entry into the Marvel movie universe, X-Men: First Class recently took a break from shooting in London and traveled to Los Angeles for the DVD release of her breakout film, Winter’s Bone. While she was there, she spoke with the press about her character in the film.

The actress told Hollywood Elsewhere about her make-up process for the movie, and how much we will actually be seeing her as Mystique in the film:

“Only 10% of her screen time will be as Mystique, she said. It takes X-Men: First Class makeup artists about six hours to transform her into Mystique with the blue skins and the scales, she added. (She has a nickname for the process or the makeup or whatever — “Mystink.”) I asked if official photos have been taken, and she said the idea was to keep her appearance under wraps until just before the film’s release. I said if the world has to wait until next summer for a shot, fine, but if an un-approved shot makes it onto the web I won’t be sorry.”

E! spoke with Lawrence about filming nearly naked on the set:

“I used to walk around and be like, ‘Oh, my gosh—I’m naked! But now I could walk in the street and people could start touching me and I would just wait for them to finish and I’d keep walking. I have, like, no modesty left.”

The film stars James McAvoy, Kevin Bacon, Caleb Landry Jones, Lucas Till, Jennifer Lawrence, Nicholas Hoult, Edi Gathegi, Jason Flemyng, January Jones, Zoë Kravitz, Bill Milner, Michael Fassbender, Álex González and Oliver Platt.

X-Men: First Class is slated to hit theaters on June 3rd, 2011.

Jason Moore
Written by Jason Moore

is a member of the Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Films and the Founder/Editor In Chief of SciFi Mafia®