
James Marsters Likens CAPRICA To The Fall Of An American Empire

SyFy’s “Caprica” gets more intense tonight with the episode, “Know Thy Enemy”, that guest stars James Marsters (“Buffy the Vampire Slayer”, “Angel”, “Torchwood”). Marsters plays Barnabus Greeley, “the fanatical leader of a sect of monotheists linked to the train-bombers”.

When asked about the prequel spin-off to “Battlestar Galactica”, Marsters compares “Caprica” to “the American Empire and its unavoidable collapse” and how the show is a warning to our own society:

“Being that Caprica is scifi, you don’t have to call it America. You can call it Caprica. You only have to watch Battlestar Galactica to know how screwed these people are. Meanwhile, in the here and now, you only have to listen to climatologists or experts on food supplies and clean water to know how precarious our situation is.

In scifi and fantasy, we address those issues. We just change the names.”

On his role as Barnabus, leading the Soldiers of the One (STO), Marsters feels that his character’s motivations are justified under the circumstances of the world he lives in:

“I love anybody who has conviction enough to make mistakes, because only people who make mistakes get into enough trouble to be called drama… I feel like I understand why he’s doing what he’s doing: he’s living in a time that is coming apart at the seams. In his world, people are committing mass sacrifice, and mass execution, and mass orgies, and people are shooting each other for fun. In Rome, it was the coliseum. In Caprica, it’s the V-club.

Even though these virtual murders and orgies aren’t real, Greeley sees them having a real psychological effect on people. And we find out that Greeley’s own father was a decent, upstanding man until he became addicted to V-clubs, and now he’s all but lost. So Greeley believes the polytheistic religions are not steering people towards moral behavior, and he wants to replace them with a monotheistic religion that has one God, and tells people what to do — with a clear cut punishment if you don’t do it. He’s willing to have a revolution to make it happen.”

Check out the clip below from “Caprica”. It offers a bit of insight into the perspective of Barnabus Greeley and the STO. Pain is a useful tool for those who know how to use it.

Clip: CAPRICA – Know Thy Enemy

Even though “Caprica” has gotten off to a rather slow start by ratings, it seems that a lot of fans are looking forward to this arc with Marster’s character. Barnabus Greeley will appear in at least five episodes this season. Perhaps this will be the push “Caprica” needs to see improvement in ratings?

TV Spot: CAPRICA – Know Thy Enemy

Sneak Peek: CAPRICA – Know Thy Enemy


SyFy – Official Press Release: CAPRICA – Know Thy Enemy

Know Thy Enemy“:

Rival industrialist Tomas Vergis arrives on Caprica demanding a meeting with Daniel, threatening to reveal proof that Daniel stole the chip that is key the U-87 Cylon, and Graystone’s military contract.  Vergis whirls up a publicity storm that steals the heart of the Caprican public, and surprisingly serves up a friendly offer to Daniel that could save Graystone Industries.  But there’s a catch to his proposal that could haunt Daniel for years to come.

Clarice, panicked that off-world STO leadership has been backing a rogue named Barnabas, steps up her plans to acquire Zoe’s avatar program and may find her answer through befriending Amanda.  Meanwhile, wanting to fulfill her own promise to Zoe, Lacy goes with Keon to meet the enigmatic Barnabas, opening herself up to a new world of danger.

After the revelation that the avatar of his daughter Tamara is still lost in V-World, Joseph starts his quest to find her in a virtual world he knows nothing about.

[Source] io9

Lillian 'zenbitch' Standefer
Written by Lillian 'zenbitch' Standefer

is Senior Managing Editor for SciFi Mafia.com, skips along between the lines of sci-fi, fantasy, and reality, and is living proof that geek girls really DO exist!