
James Cameron Taking 3D To Spaaaaace!

Director James Cameron (Avatar) has been helping NASA build a 3D camera for the next generation Mars rover dubbed “Curiosity“. According to The AP, the plan for a camera had actually been scaled back due to budget concerns, until the director personally lobbied NASA administrator Charles Bolden when the two met in January.

Talking about the meeting with the pasadenastarnews – Cameron said,

“He actually was really open to the idea. Our first meeting went very well. It’s a very ambitious mission. It’s a very exciting mission. (The scientists are) going to answer a lot of really important questions about the previous and potential future habitability of Mars.”

The camera is being built by Malin Space Science Systems, with Cameron named as a co-investigator on the project.

Michael Malin of Malin Space Science Systems says,

“The fixed focal length [cameras] we just delivered will do almost all of the science we originally proposed,” said Michael Malin of Malin Space Science Systems in a statement. “But they cannot provide a wide field of view with comparable eye stereo. With the zoom [cameras], we’ll be able to take cinematic video sequences in 3D on the surface of Mars. This will give our public engagement co-investigator, James Cameron, tools similar to those he used on his recent 3D motion picture projects.”

[The Shakedown]

Let’s see… iron oxide, basalt, iron sulfide, craters, dust, and rocks in 3D – Yep, already sounds more intriguing than the plot of Avatar! Seriously though, this sounds cool and a great use of 3D… I’m excited to see the footage.

Jason Moore
Written by Jason Moore

is a member of the Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Films and the Founder/Editor In Chief of SciFi Mafia®