
Is Marvel Planning a ‘Daredevil’ Re-Boot?

These days, there are a lot of new sources for news and scoops and one of the oddest ones might be the local comic shop who have become the go-to place for actors hoping to get coveted roles in the latest superhero movie.


The blog for the Los Angeles-based store Golden Apple Comics spotted one such actor when “Battlestar Gallactica” star Katee Sackhoff went there to buy every single comic featuring Typhoid Mary she could get her hands on with “hopes to get a part for a marvel movie.”

Comic fans will realize right away that Typhoid Mary is the longtime foe (and lover) of Marvel’s Daredevil, a mutant with a multiple personality who develops various powers depending on which personality inhabits her at the time. She was created by Ann Nocenti and John Romita Jr., first appearing in their run with Daredevil #254.

That makes one wonder whether Marvel Studios are already looking into possibly relaunching Daredevil on the big screen, following the Mark Steven Johnson version starring Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner, which came out in 2003. Natassia Malthe played Typhoid in the 2005 spin-off Elektra with Garner. Typhoid also appeared in the early “Deadpool” comics, so this might be for the Deadpool spin-off with Ryan Reynolds.

Check out Golden Apple’s blog post here and decide for yourself whether Marvel is setting their sights on relaunching Daredevil like they did with The Incredible Hulk last year, and then let us know how you feel about it below.

Due to the lack of news this weekend, we are going to say this is 100% speculation. But we suppose it could be possible.

[Source] Superherohype

Written by SciFiMafia

SciFi Mafia® Staff