
‘Heroes’ Cheerleader ‘Takes It All Off’

hayden_panettiere1‘Heroes’ Actress Hayden Panettiere has revealed to E! Online that she is completely naked in her new comedy, I Love You, Beth Cooper, which filmed in Vancouver.

“I was really naked. I had these little sticky petals on my boobs, but that was about it,” she said.

Moreover, the young Heroes star stressed that she is quite comfortable with the idea, and wanted to show off her body before it’s too late.

“I’m cool with my body, and I’m cool running around undressed and all that stuff, but there are just certain things that not everyone needs to know, that you need to keep somehow private and personal to you. But you never know,” she said. “I could be 30 years old and just be like, ‘Screw it, I want to take it all off. I better take a picture of this baby before it all goes.'”

The star insists her parents will have no trouble with her naked scenes:

“My dad calls me such an exhibitionist. He always says, ‘God, even when you were little, you were such an exhibitionist!'”

I Love You Beth Cooper arrives in theaters July 10.

Jason Moore
Written by Jason Moore

is a member of the Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Films and the Founder/Editor In Chief of SciFi Mafia®