
Haven: Jason Priestley Starts His Arc, Plus a Sneak Peek

As we told you back in June, Jason Priestley will have an arc on the excellent Haven this season, and it starts this week. His part is described as “a handsome but anti-social marine biologist who must deal with an affliction most would consider a blessing”. Thank goodness they described him as handsome, or we never would have known. Can you see my eyes rolling? He also directed the September 9 episode.

Here’s what Emily Rose said about him during a recent Q&A session in response to The Deadbolt:

He’s such a great guy. You hear like about this Canadian icon, you hear you know Jason Priestley and plus, you know, 90210. And I’d worked with Luke Perry in the past as well, so I kind of had a little bit of just going, “Oh, I’ve kind of worked with one of your friends before.”

But, he’s just so down to earth and just fantastic and really giving and really collaborative. And not only is he a great actor to work alongside, he’s a really great director and I go to work with him in that capacity as well. He directed one of our episodes this season, and so it was just great. There was no like pretense and there was no – he’s just so down to earth that it was fun to work alongside of him and it gave a new dynamic between Nathan and Audrey and Duke and Audrey, and it’s just interesting to play with that.

And during Eric Balfour’s Q&A he told Cinema Spy:

Priestley has got to be the sweetest dude I’ve ever met. Really. When he was younger he was on one of the most successful shows in the history of television, you know? And he is so not jaded and so excited to come to work.

And, what was my favorite thing was when he directed an episode recently, because it’s just really fun getting directed by other actors who have a sensitivity for what we do. And he’s just a really, really sweet, fun guy.

Interesting, isn’t it, that nice guys can play such extremely creepy characters? Those of you who saw Mr. Priestley in Tru Calling know just what I mean. We’ll have to wait to see what type of character he’ll be playing in Haven. Unfortunately, this clip is no help as far as that goes, but still, we love the preview clips!

Haven airs Fridays at 10/9c on Syfy.

Erin Willard
Written by Erin Willard

Erin is the Editor In Chief and West Coast Correspondent for SciFiMafia.com