
‘Green Lantern’ Writer on Script Progress & Casting Rumors

Over the past few weeks, we’ve been getting plenty of superhero casting scoops on the Marvel front (we’re looking at you, Thor and Loki), but the DC Comics side of the aisle has been fairly blank, specifically regarding one of our most hotly-awaited films, “Green Lantern.”


Sure, there are a whole slew of contenders for the coveted role of Hal Jordan, but not a one of them has been named officially as of yet – and that’s because no one has been selected yet, said screenwriter Marc Guggenheim.

“They’re all false,” he told SciFi Wire about the rumored casting scoops, which range from Chris Pine to Bradley Cooper. “I mean, they’re all false insofar as we haven’t chosen anyone yet. They’re still in the negotiations, you know? There’s a lot of names being talked about, and there’s a lot of people being met.”

It’s important to note that Guggenheim isn’t flat-out denying any of the scoops themselves – he’s merely starting that none of the scoops are official. In other words, if you’re still holding out hope that Anton Yelchin or Sam Worthington could don the power ring, they still have a shot at the role until official word comes down one way or the other. Nonetheless, Guggenheim does have bad news for a certain, hopefully small group of fans.

“If you read online that Pauly Shore’s been cast as Hal Jordan, I can guarantee you we have not cast anyone,”

Whoever ends up swearing the Green Lantern oath, Guggenheim guarantees that the core essentials of Hal Jordan will be honored by the film’s representation of the comic book hero.

“The goal here is to do the best cinematic representation of the Green Lantern character,” he said. “You know, there’s no desire on anyone’s part to completely change the character and just call this other character Green Lantern and try to … draft off the name recognition. This is all about ‘How do we bring the best version of this character to the silver screen?'”

Written by SciFiMafia

SciFi Mafia® Staff