
Get Caught Up with BBC America’s BEING HUMAN Before the Saturday Premiere

The good news: the original Being Human is finally returning to BBC America this Saturday with a brand new season. The equally good news: if you’ve never seen it, we have a trailer for you that will get you where you need to be. At this point the stories between the Syfy version and the BBC America version are wildly divergent, so you need to know (or be reminded about) this:


Even more good news: BBC America is showing all of Season 3 on Saturday starting at 1pm, just to help get you drooling for the premiere.

The bad news: if you have any British friends, they’re three weeks ahead of us with this season. I’m afraid you’ll just have to shun them for the next eight weeks. But you’ll have us! And as usual, don’t forget that first-run shows on BBC America generally run 75 minutes, not 60, so plan your lives accordingly.

Being Human, starring Lenora CrichlowDamien MolonyMichael Socha and Russell Tovey, premieres with Season 4 this Saturday at 9/8c on BBC America.

Erin Willard
Written by Erin Willard

Erin is the Editor In Chief and West Coast Correspondent for SciFiMafia.com