
[Updated] Geoff Johns Talks About Tests for Live Action Blue Beetle TV Series

Writer and Chief Creative Officer for DC Entertainment, Geoff Johns took to twitter and let the cat err, Coleoptera out of the bag about DC’s testing and possible development of a live action, Blue Beetle television show. Johns goes on to say that he may bring some live action Blue Beetle test footage to Comic-Con.

Johns said on twitter:

BLUE BEETLE NEWS from DCE!! We have a live-action test of Jaime Reyes’ scarab activating his suit. It. Is. Awesome.

Blue Beetle’s going to appear in most of the Brave and the Bold’s this year and we’re hoping to develop a live-action show. Fingers crossed!

If I can break it out of the vault, I’ll bring it to SDCC. LIVE ACTION BLUE BEETLE!!


Geoff Johns has now stated via twitter

FYI to Jaime Reyes fans: Got the okay to show the Blue Beetle test in San Diego!! :) Again, not a sure thing but a work in progress.

Jaime Reyes/Blue Beetle Bio (via wikipedia)

Blue Beetle/Jaime (pronounced “HIGH-may”) Reyes first appeared in Infinite Crisis #3, published by DC Comics (Feb. 2006), and was created by writers Keith Giffen and John Rogers, and artist Cully Hamner. The Jamie Reyes character is the third incarnation of Blue Beetle, the first being Dan Garret and the second being Ted Kord.

Jaime lives in El Paso, Texas with his father, mother, and little sister; his father owns a garage. Jaime has offered to help his father out at the garage, but his father has turned him down so far, feeling Jaime should focus on his studies and enjoy his childhood for as long as he can. Jaime has an acute sense of responsibility for his family and friends, though he complains about being the one to sort out any messes.

The mystical Blue Beetle scarab which had given Dan Garrett his powers had been thought destroyed. When it was found intact, it was given to Ted Kord, who was never able to use it. After an attack by Brother Eye, the scarab appeared energized, and Ted brought it to the wizard Shazam, who took it and sent Ted away. Shortly thereafter, in the Day of Vengeance storyline, Shazam was killed and the scarab was blasted across the globe, along with shards from the Rock of Eternity.

The Blue Beetle scarab came to Earth in El Paso, Texas, where it was picked up by Jaime. Not long after, Booster Gold appeared at Jaime’s house to retrieve the scarab, only to discover that it had fused itself to Jaime’s spine while the teenager had been sleeping. Booster recruited Jaime for Batman’s assault on the Brother Eye satellite, since the scarab was the only thing that could see the satellite. Using the scarab’s powers, Jaime was able to find the satellite and reveal it to Batman’s group, enabling them to defeat it. Once Brother Eye was sent plummeting Earthward, Jaime disappeared from the ship, apparently teleported away by the scarab, which sought to escape the Green Lanterns on board.

He began a career as a superhero, meeting Oracle, the Phantom Stranger, and the current Peacemaker during his early adventures. He often associates himself with a group known as the Posse, a street gang of local superhumans with powers of magical origin. Blue Beetle’s support team have also recently agreed to help Jaime keep track of crime and natural disasters in the Midwest via the Internet.

Contrary to Jaime’s initial belief, the scarab is revealed to be a piece of extraterrestrial technology.

The Blue Beetle scarab that is grafted onto Jaime’s spine can manifest a number of powers at its own volition, an act usually accompanied by blue energy emitted by the scarab’s “antennae”. At first, Jaime had little, if any, control over those powers, but slowly began to assert himself over the suit after this first year. When Jaime is in danger, the scarab activates, crawling out on to Jaime’s back and generating a high-tech suit of powered armor around his body. The armor is resilient enough that it can protect Jaime against atmospheric re-entry from Earth’s orbit. When the danger passes, the scarab deactivates, dissolving the costume and retracting back onto Jaime’s spine, causing intense pain.

When in use, the suit can reconfigure itself to produce a wide array of armaments. Common functions include an energy cannon, a sword and shield, a grappling hook, an advanced satellite, and a set of foot-long powered blades that can shear through tree trunks. In addition, the suit can produce a set of wings for flight, which can also act as shields. Jaime alludes to weapons which may be powerful enough to harm even the Spectre, one of DC’s more powerful characters, claiming that some of the weapons were of W.M.D. caliber, but Jaime’s refusal to use lethal force keeps him from making use of them. The suit can adapt its technology to different situations: such adaptations include producing energy discharges from the hands that can neutralize magic, discharging Kryptonite radiation, negating “vibrational frequencies” of extra-dimensional objects to make them visible, and other assorted functions. The suit has been observed to create armaments of different composition and style.

The scarab has at least one power it can manifest whether dormant or active; it can give Jaime a peculiar form of “sight” to perceive extra-dimensional objects. This sight is apparently intended to give the scarab’s user information on adversaries. The scarab is able to communicate with him in a more comprehensible fashion if need be. The scarab’s language of communication has slowly morphed into a format resembling English, claiming Khaji Da as its own name and Jaime as its first real friend. However, it has occasional relapses in his original language.

Jason Moore
Written by Jason Moore

is a member of the Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Films and the Founder/Editor In Chief of SciFi Mafia®