
Geoff Johns Reveals The Setup For Batman and Robin

Geoff Johns has revealed the setup that leads from Blackest Night into Grant Morrison’s Batman and Robin. Morrison revealed earlier this month that the next Batman and Robin arc – ‘Blackest Knight’, which begins in Batman and Robin #7 – illustrated by Cameron Stewart (Seaguy) and would tie-in to Johns’ major event and explain what is happening to Bruce Wayne’s stolen skull.

Johns said,

“We took the skull, and reanimated Black Lantern Batman to get an emotional reaction from the heroes that know him, and that allowed Nekron to retake them”

“It’s blasted apart, but the skull’s there. And the skull eventually makes its way back to Batman and Robin, where Dick Grayson then takes the remains of Bruce from the cemetery there and the skull, and he puts them in the Batcave. And that’s where you pick up on Grant’s story.”

‘Blackest Knight’ begins in Batman and Robin #7 which hits stores this month.

Jason Moore
Written by Jason Moore

is a member of the Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Films and the Founder/Editor In Chief of SciFi Mafia®