
Geoff Johns Reveals Plans For FLASH


Comic Book and Television Writer, Geoff Johns has revealed which direction he is taking DC Comics’ the Flash. The writer reintroduced the Silver Age version of the superhero in Flash: Rebirth earlier this year. In an interview with the Los Angeles Times, Johns explained that he was laying the groundwork for long-term plans for the character with the event.

“I look at something like the Flash as a long-term mission, The Flash: Rebirth was the knot to untangle in the shoelace before we could run. I wanted to clear the board, re-examine some key elements of Barry Allen and reintroduce a threat that would play throughout the next several years.

“Much in the same way as Green Lantern, I’m committed to a long-term story with the Flash and the universe around him.”

When quizzed on the title’s future direction, Johns stated that his upcoming collaboration with artist Francis Manapul will remain true to the character’s legacy.

“The Flash has always been a book at the forefront of where the rest of the superhero universe is going, and Francis Manapul and I intend to do our best to continue that tradition”

“We’re starting with a very basic concept – it’s superhero CSI. The first arc is entitled ‘The Dasterdly Death of the Rogues’ and it’s a murder mystery, Flash-style. Which means it’s anything but what it first looks like.

“He’s my favorite character and it’s great to be back with him.”

Jason Moore
Written by Jason Moore

is a member of the Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Films and the Founder/Editor In Chief of SciFi Mafia®