
Geoff Johns Promises Giant Arc In New FLASH Series

Writer extraordinaire, Geoff Johns has promised that he will be building up to a “giant arc” in his new ongoing Flash series. Johns, who previously wrote a critically acclaimed run on The Flash will be returning to the title following his Blackest Night and Flash: Rebirth miniseries.

Johns says,

“It’s going to have traditional arcs much like Green Lantern has, But it builds to one giant arc that I’m working on.

“And when The Flash #1 hits, we’ll know more about what that big arc really is.”

Johns also commented on the decision to drop the planned second feature from the forthcoming comic.

“With all the re-thinking of the co-features, [DC wants] to keep The Flash at $2.99 (£1.86) because the price point is getting a little crazy. That doesn’t mean that you won’t see the story that Scott [Kolins] and I have been working on.”

The new series will star the resurrected Barry Allen, who returned in Final Crisis last year after dying more than 20 years earlier in the landmark Crisis On Infinite Earths miniseries.

The Flash hits shelves in April.

Jason Moore
Written by Jason Moore

is a member of the Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Films and the Founder/Editor In Chief of SciFi Mafia®