
Geoff Johns Jumped At The Chance To Write BATMAN

Geoff Johns has spoken about his forthcoming Batman: Earth One title. The writer – best known for his work on characters including The Flash, Green Lantern and Superman has yet to handle DC’s Caped Crusader in an ongoing, solo title. Last month DC announced its new ‘Earth One’ project – a series of graphic novels set in a universe outside the mainstream DCU.

Johns said,

“The majority of my comic work, as far as the monthly books go, is in continuity, and I like that and I like working in the shared universe. It’s fun but it also has its limitations and drawbacks creatively, as well.

“So when the ‘Earth One’ line came up, and right away Dan [DiDio] said, ‘Would you be interested in Batman?’ I jumped at the chance, because I’ve never tackled the world of Batman.

“And to do a Batman universe from the ground up and create new characters and reintroduce villains how Gary Frank and I envision them was an opportunity I definitely didn’t want to miss.

“I tend to stay on books a long time, so I don’t get a chance to jump from character to character… and this was the perfect opportunity, the perfect project.”

Jason Moore
Written by Jason Moore

is a member of the Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Films and the Founder/Editor In Chief of SciFi Mafia®