It’s always great when members of a production tweet during an episode, especially if they’re willing to answer a few questions. Last Friday, during the west coast broadcast of Fringe, Jeff Pinkner (@jeffpinkner) and Joel Wyman (@JWFRINGE) did just that with “#FringeLiveTweet” as the hashtag. Of course there were some technical difficulties including Twitter being inordinately slow, but it was still great. Here are some of the most intriguing questions and answers:
#FringeLiveTweet@jeffpinkner hi in last weeks episode agent broyles was alive in the other universe but didn’t he die when Olivia was therein reply to ↑
@itsabadmansweet Well, he died helping her ESCAPE… so we can assume that in this timeline… (to be continued. but that should help, no?)
@jeffpinkner@JWFRINGE who IS Broyles’ boss. Clearly I missed that…#FringeLiveTweetin reply to ↑
@chotirani The President of the United States.
@JWFRINGE@jeffpinkner Are we going to see more of Gene? The Observers and Gene tie as my bro and my favourite characters!#FringeLiveTweetin reply to ↑
@chotirani Of COURSE.
@JWFRINGE#FringeLiveTweet Will we find out who wrote the blueprint of the future the Observers follow?in reply to ↑
@hemo_jr The Observers don’t have a blueprint – they EXIST in all possible timelines simultaneously, thus they can (in effect) see all possible futures. (“That BOOM — that’s my mind exploding”)
selectricsheep by the way… cameron james? james cameron? rly… what’s the connection?
#fringelivetweet@JWFRINGE@jeffpinknerin reply to ↑
@selectricsheep None. But we love his films.
@JWFringe there is Cameron A in the wall of Jacksonville, but Subject 9 is Cameron James? Explain?#FringeLiveTweet
@xerophytes “A” was middle name. And, OH MY GOD, you watch carefully! Well done!!
@JWFRINGE@jeffpinkner Nina the foster parent? Guardian? BFF? O:in reply to ↑
@projectrootbeer#FringeLiveTweet Yeah. Guardian.
@jeffpinkner@JWFRINGE So, what is this between Nina and Olivia? What about Rachel and Ella?#FringeLiveTweet
@shewasntme – nina took in rachel too
@JWFRINGE@JPFRINGE Will we see Olivia’s sister and niece this season? And can this show get anymore Amazing?#FringeLiveTweetin reply to ↑
@skyn_deep Uh, yes, yes and no. (But not necessarily in that order.)
@JWFRINGE@JPFRINGE And I really would like to know, Is there any chance you guys bring Charlie back?in reply to ↑
@Bruna_Rush@JPFRINGE Hi. Well, there is always a chance. This is Fringe! ; )
@JWFRINGE@jeffpinkner Green, Green, Green, Red. Will we learn more about this?#FringeLiveTweetin reply to ↑
@heresyprogram Very cool you noticed. ; )
OK Fringies, what are they talking about?
@JWFRINGE@jeffpinkner So, what “is” the purpose of the beacon from “The Arrival”? Will we find out soon?#Fringe#FringeLiveTweetin reply to ↑
@RKron Hi. We try to answer everything. There will come a time… there will come a time… ; )
@JWFringe@JeffPinkner Is John Mosley (aka The Rogue) alive in this timeline?in reply to ↑
@FringeTV#FringeLiveTweet Could be. ; ) There WILL be Observer eps!!!
@jeffpinkner@JWFRINGE Shirtless Lincoln Lee?in reply to ↑
@GaterTrekkieRay Haha. Done.
@JWFRINGE@jeffpinkner so when and how did Olivia realize Walter was the one who experimented on her? wowwww :)in reply to ↑
@chotirani#FringeLiveTweetThese are the things we want to let out slowly. What happened on THIS timeline.
@JWFRINGE@jeffpinkner#FringeLiveTweet do you guys have a diagram of all the changes w/o Peter? Will you ever publish it?in reply to ↑
@labrooks22#FringeLiveTweetHa. Maybe. That would be cool.
Here’s hoping that Messrs. Pinkner and Wyman will participate again, and soon!
Fringe airs Friday nights at 9/8c on Fox.