
Featurette and Pics From the DOCTOR WHO Comic-Con 2013 Panel


Couldn’t get into Hall H for Doctor Who‘s packed-house 50th Anniversary panel at Comic-Con 2013? It was the third panel of the day, following Supernatural and Breaking Bad, and though some people left after those panels, most of the people in the Hall arrived at 4:30am (when I did) or before to see this 1:30 pm panel, since I was one of the last people to get in before the day got started.

No worries, though, because BBC America has released a panel highlights featurette, and it’s a good one. Sorry, they’ve not made the 50th Anniversary Special trailer available – much to the dismay of Whovians in the UK, who are reportedly peeved that a Doctor Who trailer has been shown exclusively in the US.

Not many people in the US have seen it either. Steven Moffat introduced the exclusive-to-Comic-Con trailer with the warning that, should any form of the trailer hit the internet, he will no longer bring trailers to Comic-Con, period. He told us that a video of his Sherlock trailer hit the web an hour after he premiered it, and he was none too pleased about it, so this was his last warning. Sorry kids. It was good! Can’t wait til we start getting more about the Anniversary Special to share.

On the 2013 Comic-Con panel, besides of course showrunner Steven Moffat and stars Matt Smith and Jenna Coleman, were producer Marcus Wilson, writer/actor Mark Gatiss, and An Adventure in Space and Time star David Bradley, whom many of you will recognize as Filch, the Hogwarts caretaker from the Harry Potter movies. The moderator of the panel was late night host Craig Ferguson, who was a treat.

Doctor Who sdcc 2013 Matt JennaDoctor Who sdcc 2013 Moffat BradleyDoctor Who sdcc 2013 Gatiss WilsonDoctor Who sdcc 2013 Ferguson

Featurette: Doctor Who – Comic-Con 2013 Panel Highlights

An Adventure in Space and Time, starring David Bradley, Reece Shearsmith, and Claudia Grant will air in November on BBC America.

The Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Episode starring Matt SmithDavid TennantJenna-Louise ColemanBillie PiperJoanna Page, Jemma Redgrave and John Hurt will air in November on BBC America.

Erin Willard
Written by Erin Willard

Erin is the Editor In Chief and West Coast Correspondent for SciFiMafia.com