
Don’t Miss Tonight’s Season Finale of FACE OFF

Face Off s3 wide

We’re down to the final three contestants on the best-yet season of Face Off tonight. This was the Rookies vs. Veterans season, and the last three are in fact all veterans. They are so good, and very different from each other in style and strengths. I definitely have a favorite, and I hope s/he wins. Okay, I hope she wins. Come on, Laura!

According to the TV spot and clip, the finalists will once again have the assistance of the other contestants, and the glimpses of the final efforts look gorgeous:

TV Spot: Face Off – Season 5: Finale

Clip: Face Off – Season 5: Finale

If you’re watching live – and you’d better, or you might get spoiled – make sure to tweet your favorites at @FaceOffSyfy using #FaceOffFinale.

The Face Off Season 5 finale, hosted by McKenzie Westmore, airs tonight at 9/8c on Syfy.

Erin Willard
Written by Erin Willard

Erin is the Editor In Chief and West Coast Correspondent for SciFiMafia.com