
DOLLHOUSE Treatment Check: Doll Love, Craziness, And Murder

What’s in store for the dolls in the Dollhouse this upcoming season two?  Relax and lay back for your treatment…

Doll Love-

dollhouseseason2art-anyonecanhappenPaul & Echo’s relationship will progress this season, but what is the nature of their connection?

Eliza Dushku (Echo) talks about Echo in the new season of “Dollhouse”:

“Echo doesn’t know entirely what’s going on yet…[but] as she becomes more and more self-aware, she’s recognizing this constant, tall, dark, looming man in the Dollhouse.”

Tahmoh Penikett (Paul Ballard) explains more:

“They have a connection. It’s not a physical attraction, but I hope it’s something that we explore a lot more this season. You’re not quite sure what it is. There’s a past, there’s a history, there’s an understanding between them that’s very different. I think the audience is really going to like it and be really curious about where we’re going in the first few episodes.”

We saw Victor & Sierra have latent feelings for each other in season one.  Will this develop in season two?

Enver Gjokaj (Victor) reveals a little about Victor and Sierra’s relationship:

“Sierra and Victor are definitely still involved. They’re going to explore that relationship more. They explore the Sierra-and-Victor love as dolls, but then also they’re going to go into the back story of both of them.”

Season Two Teasers-

Season Two is like Epitaph One?

In more ways than one!  For starters, season two will be like lost episode “Epitaph One” in that it will be shot in HD.

Eliza Dushku explains:

“We’re shooting with a different style and shooting HD, and it makes it that much more realistic. That supernatural haze, that science-fiction haze, has been lifted, and it makes it all that much more possible. I was driving down the street the other day and I saw one of the vans they use for the dolls, the sprinters, and the thought crossed my mind…this could be. With the technology today, you just never know.”

What’s this about craziness, sex, and murder?

Enver Gjokaj says that season two starts off with a running pace:

“They don’t wait. They start right in with some crazy stuff. Tim Minear has crazy stuff in store. And Jed [Whedon] and Maurissa [Tancharoen]‘s episodes are out of this world.”

And according to Fran Kranz (Topher):

“Sexually dark stuff…murder…sex and murder.”

Check out this interview with show star, Eliza Dushku (Echo) on Season two of “Dollhouse”:

Dollhouse” Season Two premieres on Fox on September 25th at 9pm EST.

[Source] E!, Accesshollywood

Lillian 'zenbitch' Standefer
Written by Lillian 'zenbitch' Standefer

is Senior Managing Editor for SciFi Mafia.com, skips along between the lines of sci-fi, fantasy, and reality, and is living proof that geek girls really DO exist!