
Dive into THE SIGNAL with Five Clips and a Featurette

the signal wide

I love a good mind bending suspense film, especially one that adds a dash of Kubrick inspired visual weirdness. The Signal is shaping up to be just that. Here are five new clips; the first two sort-of go together in found-footage style, and the other three go together (before or after, I don’t know) in a location that feels like a bunker.

After you watch those, check out the featurette with interviews with director William Eubank and actors Brenton Thwaites, Olivia Cooke, Beau Knapp, Lin Shaye, and Laurence Fishburne.

Clip: The Signal – Abduction

Clip: The Signal – Haley

Clip: The Signal – Recovery

Clip: The Signal – The Signal

Clip: The Signal – The Escape

Featurette: The Signal

The Signal, starring Brenton Thwaites, Olivia Cooke, Beau Knapp, Lin Shaye, and Laurence Fishburne, hits theaters June 13th, 2014 – today!

Jess Orso
Written by Jess Orso

Jess is the Managing Editor and Southern Correspondent for SciFiMafia.com