

DC Comics has announced that a new ongoing Green Lantern title is to hit shelves in the wake of event series Blackest Night. Green Lantern: Emerald Warriors is being written by Peter Tomasi (Green Lantern Corps) and drawn by Fernando Pasarin (Justice Society of America, The Outsiders). Tomasi is to be replaced on the monthly Corps title by writer Tony Bedard while art duties will be handled by Ardian Syaf (Superman/Batman).

The comic will star ring-wielding hot head Guy Gardner, with regular appearances from fellow Corps member Kilowog.

Bedard told DCComics.com:

“This is far and away the most exciting gig of my career. When they called to offer me the job and Geoff (Johns) literally said, ‘Welcome to the Green Lantern Corps’, I felt like I’d put on a power ring. Now I just have to play up to Pete Tomasi’s impossibly high standards.”

Green Lantern Corps will feature John Stewart, Kyle Rayner and new Green Lantern Ganthet.

Jason Moore
Written by Jason Moore

is a member of the Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Films and the Founder/Editor In Chief of SciFi Mafia®