
DC Puts Extra FLASH Stories On Hold

Original Flash Barry Allen recently returned to life in DC’s Final Crisis miniseries more than 20 years after his death in the legendary Crisis On Infinite Earths event. The Flash ongoing series – written by Geoff Johns (Blackest Night, Adventure Comics) – will debut in 2010. Now, DCU executive editor Dan DiDio has announced that all DC’s planned Flash features other than the main Barry Allen comic have been put on hold. Plans for a Kid Flash comic and secondary feature in the forthcoming Flash ongoing series have been suspended.

DiDio said,

“We’re going to go back to our original game plan, The book is the Barry Allen book plain and simple.”

“The book is going to be coming out following ‘Blackest Night’ and that will be the only book with The Flash in at this time. The Kid Flash book is on hold, and even the Wally West second feature that we were planning to put in Flash is on hold too.

“Your Flash fix will be Barry Allen pure and simple for 2010.”

Jason Moore
Written by Jason Moore

is a member of the Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Films and the Founder/Editor In Chief of SciFi Mafia®