
DC Comics – Superman: Earth One Will Be 128 Pages Of Hardcover Comic or $20

The announcement of DC Comics’ new line of original graphic novels that will tell stories from the early years of Superman and Batman in a series of graphic novels set “on a new earth with an all-new continuity.” Titled, Superman: Earth One and Batman: Earth One respectively was missing a couple of details… like, How much will they cost and how many pages will be included in each graphic novel?

Thanks to the fine folks at Collected Editions, and their stellar math and estimation skills – we now have at the very least, a rough idea.

Superman: Earth One is a 128-page hardcover priced at $19.99 and Collected Editions did some mathematical wizardry, and calculated that the equivalent number of pages in monthly comics would cost you just $16.45, with discounts and as they pointed out, “everyone and their uncle gets some kind of discount on comic books, at least 30%.”

So that being said – Superman: Earth One will actually cost about $14.00, not $19.95. So, with the estimated discount – they contend that each “issue” of Superman: Earth One will costing roughly $0.50 less than your average comic book.

Superman: Earth One, by J. Michael Straczynski and Shane Davis, is set for release on Sept. 7, 2010

Batman: Earth One, by Geoff Johns and Gary Frank, will debut sometime in late 2010

Jason Moore
Written by Jason Moore

is a member of the Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Films and the Founder/Editor In Chief of SciFi Mafia®