
DC Announces Follow-Up To Blackest Night: BRIGHTEST DAY

This morning DC Comics announced Brightest Day, the long-rumored follow-up to its bestselling Blackest Night crossover event. Executive Editor Dan DiDio spoke with an un-caffeinated Alex Segura on the DC Source blog early this morning, and described Brightest Day as a 26-issue biweekly series debuting in April with Issue #0, which will be written by Geoff Johns and Peter Tomasi.

DiDio also said that GREEN LANTERN and GREEN LANTERN CORPS will have a BRIGHTEST DAY banner.

Fernando Pasarin (The Outsiders, Justice Society of America) will pencil Blackest Night #0. However, no artists have been revealed for the rest of the series and more details have been promised soon!

Jason Moore
Written by Jason Moore

is a member of the Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Films and the Founder/Editor In Chief of SciFi Mafia®