
Dame Diana Rigg Cast With Daughter in Upcoming DOCTOR WHO

We have some really excellent news about the upcoming Season 7 of Doctor Who. Over the years we’ve seen some terrific guest stars on the show, but this has to be one of the best. Dame Diana Rigg, best known to many Americans as the absolutely stunning Mrs. Peel in the British 1960 spy/mystery/action series The Avengers, will be in the upcoming new season of Doctor Who. And as a bonus, she’ll be acting alongside her daughter for the first time ever. Here’s the press release from BBC One:

Mother and daughter Dame Diana Rigg and Rachael Stirling are set to star side by side in the BBC Wales drama Doctor Who, the first time the pair have ever worked together on screen.

Character details remain under wraps, but the episode penned by Mark Gatiss will see Dame Diana and Rachael recreate their off-screen relationship on-screen, as they play a mother and daughter with a dark secret.

Starring alongside the Doctor, Matt Smith and new companion Jenna-Louise Coleman, the episode will air on BBC One in 2013 and is directed by Saul Metzstein. Filming begins this week (2 July) at Roath Lock Studios in Cardiff.

Dame Diana Rigg, who will play a Yorkshire local, said: “The first time Rachie and I will be working together is on an episode of Doctor Who specially written for us by Mark Gatiss. How lucky is that?”

Rachael Stirling, on working on Doctor Who, said: “What joy. I am looking forward to the madness of Doctor Who enormously. Mark Gatiss has written a gift of a script and an on-screen relationship between Ma and I that is truly delicious. We have never before worked together because the offers have not been tempting, but when such a funny and original script comes through you know the time has come.”

Steven Moffat, executive producer and head writer on Doctor Who, said: “Dame Diana Rigg, Rachael Stirling and a Mark Gatiss script – a combination of talents you could only get in Doctor Who! Frankly, I’m terrified already!”

Doctor Who Season 7, starring Matt Smith, Karen Gillan, Arthur Darvill, and Jenna-Louise Coleman, is expected to premiere this fall on BBC and BBC America.

Erin Willard
Written by Erin Willard

Erin is the Editor In Chief and West Coast Correspondent for SciFiMafia.com