
Clip, TV Spot and New Trailer for JACK THE GIANT SLAYER

Jack the Giant Slayer logo wide

We have a few new goodies for you for Jack the Giant Slayer while you wait for its release March 1st. We have a teaser for a trailer, which confuses me to no end. I’m sure it’s meant to build tension, but go ahead humor it and allow it to push you to the edge of your seat just until you can click the longer trailer in the following video. Now THAT’S a trailer! But first we have a clip for you where Jack stands up for a lady’s honor only to have backup outshine him.

Head all the way to the end for that newer, longer trailer that I mentioned earlier. It’s much better than anything I’ve seen so far.

Clip: Jack the Giant Slayer – “There’s Someone Behind Me, Isn’t There?”

TV Spot: Jack the Giant Slayer – Trailer #2 Sneak Peek

Trailer: Jack the Giant Slayer – Official Trailer #2

Jack the Giant Slayer starring Nicholas Hoult, Eleanor TomlinsonStanley TucciIan McShaneBill Nighy, and Ewan McGregor is slated to hit theaters March 1st, 2013.

Jess Orso
Written by Jess Orso

Jess is the Managing Editor and Southern Correspondent for SciFiMafia.com