
Check Out This DOCTOR WHO Featurette About The Daleks

dalek wide

This Doctor Who featurette about the original drawings for the Daleks and their likeness to salt shakers is high up there on the coolness factor and while we won’t be seeing the program The Culture Show: Me, You and Doctor Who, with all the details here in the US, this is still worth posting based on the aforementioned coolness factor.

This featurette also pairs nicely with the book review we did on Terry Nation: The Man Who Invented the Daleks.

Featurette: Doctor Who – 50th Anniversary: The Birth of the Dalek

Should The Culture Show: Me, You and Doctor Who ever air stateside, we’ll be sure let you know.

Jess Orso
Written by Jess Orso

Jess is the Managing Editor and Southern Correspondent for SciFiMafia.com