
Catch Up With Casting News for FLASH

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Yesterday we told you that we get a little wary about reporting on pilots, but Flash (or The Flash, depending on who you believe) seems like a pretty safe bet. We already know that Grant Gustin (below left) is playing Barry Allen, the title character, and loved him on Arrow. Now we know the no-longer-secret identities of some of his castmates.

Flash Gustin Patton Martin

Just yesterday came word via Deadline that Candice Patton (The Game) (above center) will be playing Iris West, Barry’s quick-witted fast talking best friend, and daughter of Barry’s surrogate dad Detective West, played by Jesse L. Martin (above right).

Flash Cosnett Panabaker Valdes

They’ll be joined by Rick Cosnett (above left), who recently played the creepy doctor who experimented on vampires, Dr. Wes Maxfield, on The Vampire Diaries. On Flash he’ll be Eddie Thawne, another detective but newly arrived at the Central City PD, with a mysterious past. Uh oh.

Danielle Panabaker (above center) is on board the pilot as Caitlin Snow, a bioengineering expert whose fiance was killed in the explosion at STAR Labs that put our Barry in the hospital for so long (which in turn caused Felicity to be distracted from her work, according to Oliver on Arrow).

And also announced yesterday, Carlos Valdes (above right) will be joining the gang as a mechanical engineering genius who works (worked?) at STAR Labs. Presumably he did not blow up in the explosion.

We’ll keep you posted on the Flash pilot, starring Grant GustinCandice Patton, Jesse L. MartinRick CosnettDanielle Panabaker, and Carlos Valdes for The CW.

Erin Willard
Written by Erin Willard

Erin is the Editor In Chief and West Coast Correspondent for SciFiMafia.com