
Bryan Singer Directing X-MEN: FIRST CLASS – Maybe Not?

Earlier this week, Bryan Singer and Lauren Shuler Donner did an interview with the LA Times. Singer spoke about the upcoming, X-Men: The First Class which Singer was attached to direct, the Wolverine sequel and a quick mention of a possible X-4. Now, according to HitFix, Singer’s attachment to direct First Class is not a sure thing.

According to them, over the last week 20th Century Fox has taken meetings with at least two directors who may possibly helm First Class.

Drew over at HitFix says, his sources are telling him that –

The filmmakers that they’re approaching now about directing “X-Men: First Class” are good names, guys who either have real experience in the comic book movie medium or who have heavy credibility with fan audiences. Names that would make fanboys happy from the first moment they’re announced.

Jason Moore
Written by Jason Moore

is a member of the Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Films and the Founder/Editor In Chief of SciFi Mafia®