


Acclaimed writer Dan Jurgens will pen a two-part Booster Gold story to tie in with DC’s ‘Blackest Night’ story arc. The writer, who created the time-traveling superhero in the 1980s, will pit him against Black Lantern – Ted Kord as part of the inter-company crossover event. The plotline, which begins in issue #26, marks Jurgens’s one-year anniversary as writer and artist on the new series.

“Tying into an event is easily done if it fits the parameters of the title in question and works for the character,” he told CBR. “Fortunately, we were able to cobble something together that is a real natural for Booster.

“Booster Gold editor Mike Siglain, ‘Blackest Night’ editor Eddie Berganza, Geoff Johns and I worked hard to make sure we had something that would fit well for Booster.”

The character first appeared in Booster Gold (vol. 1) #1 in 1986 and was a member of the Justice League for several years. He has been featured in several solo projects and acted as a key player in landmark DC events such as Infinite Crisis.

Booster Gold #26 arrives this week.

Jason Moore
Written by Jason Moore

is a member of the Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Films and the Founder/Editor In Chief of SciFi Mafia®