
Book Review: World War Z: The Art of the Film

world war z the art of the filmAuthor: Titan Books

Paperback: 160 pages

Publisher: Titan Books

ISBN-10: 1781168857
ISBN-13: 978-1781168851


World War Z is the eagerly awaited film starring Brad Pitt. The story revolves around United Nations employee Gerry Lane (Pitt), who traverses the world in a race against time to stop a pandemic that is toppling armies and governments and threatening to annihilate humanity itself.

World War Z: The Art of the Film is the official illustrated companion to the movie, and features a wealth of stunning production art, design sketches and storyboards, alongside the full shooting script.

If you kept up with the hype building up around the World War Z film then you would know that it differed from the book by Max Brooks, which was written as more of a written account of what was happening around the globe when the outbreak occurred and the resistance that followed. The film follows one man, Gerry Lane (Brad Pitt) in his attempt to find out where it all began and how it can be stopped. The movie gives us another facet to the world created by Max Brooks and it’s not necessarily better or worse, just different.

World War Z: The Art of the Film continues to add even a little more depth. But not a whole lot. It would be better to have been titled “The Art and The Film” because surrounding all the concept art and still shots from the movie are the scenes in their script form, which is a treat. It’s not until the last 30 pages that the book even starts to go into the thought process of making the zombies or filming with the green screen, and I’m generous to give it those 30 pages. It’s very few words a lots of art.

It connects back to the novel, the way the movie didn’t, with the mention of the “lobo” which is a specialized tool from the novel. In World War Z: The Art of the Film they do go through the concept art for their version, which is a nice little shout out to fans of the book.

The art is great and it is very interesting to see the different stages of decay and to see layering the zombies into the action shots. It’s all very interesting and disgusting. There is one picture in particular of an arm that’s almost completely separated itself from its owner except for a few threads. It’s an image that sticks with you.

The book goes great as an accompanying piece to the film. It would be spoilery to anyone who hadn’t seen the movie. I would have liked a little more commentary from the artists in better balance with the script but overall it’s a pretty neat book.

I give World War Z: The Art of the Film Four out of Five Stars

World War Z: The Art of the Film is available now from Amazon! Here’s a link!


Jess Orso
Written by Jess Orso

Jess is the Managing Editor and Southern Correspondent for SciFiMafia.com