
Blue Beetle Live Action Test Images And Geoff Johns Talks Mark Strong As Sinestro

Just a couple of days ago, we told you about Writer and Chief Creative Officer for DC Entertainment, Geoff Johns taking to twitter to tease a possible live-action Blue Beetle television series and later said that he would be showing some test footage at SDCC.

Johns took to the DC Source blog and posted some screen shots from that very footage and talked a bit about Mark Strong playing Sinestro in the Green Lantern movie. Check out what Johns had to say and the Blue Beetle images below!

Johns said:

So as you know, while Jim Lee and Dan DiDio head up publishing and editorial, Diane Nelson and I work on everything outside of the comics in film, television and other media alongside Warner Bros. to try and bring DC’s rich and expansive universe of characters and stories to life. From 100 Bullets to Zatanna. Pretty awesome job. I feel incredibly lucky to be a part of it and to work with so many amazingly talented people.

When you’re moving behind the scenes on stuff like film and television there are always a lot of projects, scripts and cool things that are created. I always wanted to hear about and see the development of these projects, even if it was early or they weren’t a sure thing, and now that I have access to the top secret room we keep them in – I call it THE VAULT – I thought I’d share some glimpses at what Warner Bros. and DCE have in there with my fellow DC fanatics.

First up is one of my personal favorites: a live action screen test of Blue Beetle transforming and something we’re using in the hopes of bringing him to the small screen. There was so much excitement when I mentioned this on Twitter I thought I’d share a little more information…

I feel very fortunate to have been a part of Blue Beetle’s introduction way back in INFINITE CRISIS. I’ve said it before, but thanks to the BLUE BEETLE series launched by Keith Giffen and John Rogers with a great design by Cully Hamner, Jaime Reyes rocks. Great character, great story, great look. He’s already appeared in animation, had action figures and right now he’s on my computer in live-action glory. I have an early special effects test that has been floating around of what his armored scarab-suit could look like. This isn’t final. This isn’t greenlit. It’s only a test that was done. We still have a long way to go to see if we can get this off the ground and a lot of people to jump on board…but check out some stills:

[Click Images To Blow Sh!t Up]

Johns went on to speak about Mark Strong (Kick-Ass, Sherlock Holmes) as Sinestro in Martin Campbell’s GREEN LANTERN.

Mark Strong.


I just returned from New Orleans, where GREEN LANTERN is deep in production set for release in June 2011. GREEN LANTERN has an unreal crew and cast. Grant Major – the Production Designer on LORD OF THE RINGS. Martin Campbell – the director of CASINO ROYALE. And Mark Strong from SHERLOCK HOLMES and KICK-ASS as Sinestro. And while I was there, there was a test on Sinestro. How he looks. How he moves. An amazing test.

Unfortunately, that test is top secret.

I can say with confidence, however, if you like Sinestro you’re going to love Mark Strong as Sinestro. Powerful, regal, intimidating. Mark clearly has done his research and embraced every aspect of what makes Sinestro one of the greatest, most complex characters within the vast, epic universe of the Green Lantern Corps. I think you’ll be as psyched as I am when you finally see him.

Jason Moore
Written by Jason Moore

is a member of the Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Films and the Founder/Editor In Chief of SciFi Mafia®