Geoff Johns to Pen New Aquaman Series

Geoff Johns to Pen New Aquaman Series

Yesterday Geoff Johns (Green Lantern: Rebirth, Blackest Night) announced on his Twitter account that he would be starting work on a new Aquaman series to hit shelves later this fall. DC's king of the Atlantis made his debut in 1941, making him [...]

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R.I.P. Diana Wynne Jones

R.I.P. Diana Wynne Jones

British fantasy author Diana Wynne Jones passed away on Saturday after battling cancer for the past two years. She was best known for her young adult novel Howl's Moving Castle, which later became an Academy Award nominated animated film directed by Hayao [...]

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Retro Book Review: Sandman Slim

Retro Book Review: Sandman Slim

Hardcover: 400 pages Publisher: Harper Voyager Language: English ISBN-10: 0061714305 ISBN-13: 978-0061714306 Summary: James Stark was having a pretty bad day, and then he went to Hell. After 11 years in the Pit, fighting in gladiatorial games and learning all sorts of [...]

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SciFi Mafia’s Comic Release Watch: 3/23/11

SciFi Mafia’s Comic Release Watch: 3/23/11

Here's what hits stores today from your favorite publishers! Batman: Incorporated #4 Batman: Streets of Gotham #21 Batman: The Dark Knight #2 Demo Vol. 2 Fables #103 Green Lantern #64 Green Lantern Corps #58 Hellblazer #277 Infamous #2 (OF 6) Justice League of America #55 Justice League: Generation Lost #22 The Legion of Superheroes [...]

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