
Are You Done With Your Christmas Shopping? Let SciFi Mafia Help!

21daysofSFMChristmas WIDE

Are you done with your Christmas shopping?  There are only seven days till Christmas now and if you need help with your list, check out SciFi Mafia’s 21 Days of Christmas Loot!  We have ways of making presents appear!

Check out our Loot List below:

Day One: Indiana Jones Taters of the Lost Ark

Day Two: Star Trek USB Communicator

Day Three: Batman and Iron Bust It Out

Day Four: Rule #2: Double Tap

Day Five: Calling All Browncoats- Travel The Verse With These Firefly/Serenity Goods!

Day Six: Star Wars Tauntaun Sleeping Bag

Day Seven: Transform and Roll Out With Ultimate Bumblebee!

Day Eight: Throw Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, or Spock!

Day Nine: It’s Beginning To Look A Lot Like Zombies

Day Ten: Star Fleet Enrolls Babies, Too

Day Eleven: I’m Bill S. Preston Esquire!

Day Twelve: Travel With The Doctor In The Tardis Four Port USB Hub

Day Thirteen: Wear Your Browncoat Pride

Day Fourteen: The Final Five Posters And Not The BSG Shirt That Selma Hayek Wore

Day Fifteen: Heads Up, Fang Bangers!

Day Sixteen: Give A Flying F*ck For Christmas

Day Seventeen: Heckle With The Best! Rifftrax Gift Set

Day Eighteen: In Brightest Day, In Blackest Night! Green Lantern Loot

Day Nineteen: Star Wars Force FX Lightsabers

Day Twenty: Darth Vader Takes Control of Your Wii

Day Twenty-One: The Nightmare Before Christmas Continues

Happy Holidays And Merry Christmas from our Mafia to yours!

Written by SciFiMafia

SciFi Mafia® Staff