
Anna Paquin Wants More Action If She Returns To ‘X-Men’

ex_roqueIGN, caught up with Anna Paquin and asked if she will return to portray the mutant Southern belle, Rogue, in the upcoming X-Men: First Class.

“Absolutely. Yeah, I would hope I could do a little bit more action next time, though. I kind of find it ironic that I did three big action films and did, actually, no action whatsoever. I mean I got some really amazing emotional story moments, but I didn’t really get to do the physical stuff.”

She continued:

“You know, as much as I loved doing those films I was kind of like, ‘OK, so when do I get to beat someone up? When do I get to steal some powers?’ You know Sookie [Paquin’s ‘True Blood’ character] gets to do more action than Rogue ever did. So I’m just putting that out there. More action please, for next time.”

The recently announced X-Men: First Class includes Iceman, Rogue, Angel, Colossus, Jubilee and Shadowcat. The OC, Gossip Girl and Chuck creator, Josh Schwartz, will pen the script which is aimed to “bring the franchise to a younger generation.”

Written by SciFiMafia

SciFi Mafia® Staff