
Amityville Horror: The Horror Of A Remade Remake


Whodathunkit! Well, not me thats for sure.
In 2005 they remade The Amityville Horror with (man crush) Ryan Reynolds. It was not a bad flick persay, but it was no where near as scary as the original 1979 version. Of course I was 12 years old at the time, so everything was more scary. The whole thing being based on “true” events made it seem that not only could they not do a sequal but a remake would be out of the question.

Apparently nothing in Hollywood is off limits, remake wise because it seems that the Weinstein Company and Dimension Films are planning yet ANOTHER remake of The Amityville Horror, one which will presumably pretend the last one didn’t exist exist.

The original 1979 film followed newlyweds as they move into a house where a murder was committed, and experience strange manifestations which drive them away. MGM also retains different rights and were planning on developing The Amityville Tapes, which has been put on the back burner.

For your nostalgic entertainment, here is the original trailer

Written by SciFiMafia

SciFi Mafia® Staff