4 New Trailers for Netflix Original Series HEMLOCK GROVE

Hemlock Grove wide

Netflix released 4 new trailers for their original series Hemlock Grove. The first one, “Grisly,” focuses on all the scary that promises to come with director Eli Roth (Hostel). The second, “Suspects,” focuses on the crime aspect of all the strange things happening in Hemlock Grove. The third, “Blood Angel,” focuses on the wide angle of paranormal activity and the last, “Gypsy,” focuses heavily on the new kid in town.

Trailer : Hemlock Grove – “Grisly” – Netflix

Trailer: Hemlock Grove – “Suspects” – Netflix

Trailer: Hemlock Grove – “Blood Angel” – Netflix

Trailer: Hemlock Grove – “Gypsy” – Netflix

These trailers definitely trump the UK one we saw Tuesday. I can’t wait to see the series April 19th!

Hemlock Grove, starring Famke Janssen and Bill Skarsgard, premieres April 19 on Netflix.

Jess Orso
Written by Jess Orso

Jess is the Managing Editor and Southern Correspondent for SciFiMafia.com