
‘Batman 3’ Without Christopher Nolan?

Holy crappy thought Batman!


Most rumor and speculation about upcoming films is fun to read, think about and banter back and forth about with fans… however, I think this falls under the most depressing thought ever written (if it’s remotely true).

The man that re-invented the cape and cowl for moviegoers, according to the intrepid and trustworthy Batman-On-Film has heard from a trusted source that Nolan’s attachment to a third outing is far from a sealed deal, and may in fact could be a long shot.

The source cites the 2008 death of Heath Ledger as one of the driving factors in Nolan’s potential departure from the franchise. Not only was the Joker supposed to return for a third “Batman,” according to the report, but Ledger’s passing “rocked Mr. Nolan hard” and convinced the director that “[‘The Dark Knight’] was going to be it for him and Batman on film.”

But even were Nolan to direct the untitled “Batman” sequel, the source says the film wouldn’t be in theaters until at least 2012, adding: “And that is only an early estimate at best right now. They are even saying it might not be until 2013.”

Even Batman-On-Film points out, this rumor shouldn’t be taken as fact. Until an official announcement is made one way or the other, there’s no reason to assume that Nolan’s departure is a certainty. On the other hand, there is likewise no reason to assume that his return is a certainty.

Given both the critical and commercial success of “The Dark Knight,” it’s a foregone conclusion that Nolan’s departure from the series would be disappointing to many (that’s a bit of an understatement for me). Still, it’s hard to deny that Nolan wouldn’t be going out on the top of his game – after the disaster that was “Batman and Robin” in the late ’90s, did you ever imagine that you’d witness a “Batman” film that earned an Academy Award for an actor’s performance?

So, what do I think? Well, I consider Mr. Nolan a bit of a superhero in his own right, having given new life and a new respect for the World’s Greatest Detective. I also consider both he and Jon Favreau the two saviors of this genre and if he should bow out after the stellar ‘Dark Knight’ I will thank him for what he has accomplished and have no less admiration for the man, however…I may need some anti-depressants or counseling.

If history proves anything, the next director will be someone along the lines of ‘Sacha Baron Cohen’ and the next Batman will be doing ‘The Batusi’ or busting out his ‘Shark Repellent – Bat Spray’ and then 20 years later, a new savior will re-build the mantle of the Bat all over again.. that couldn’t be more depressing.

What do you think? Should the Bat go on without Nolan (if necessary)? Who do you trust to take his place..if there is anyone? Let us know in the comments!

Jason Moore
Written by Jason Moore

is a member of the Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Films and the Founder/Editor In Chief of SciFi Mafia®